May 17, 2010

Where have you been?



Romeo and Juliette are at the end of there adventure of the 6 months in the Bahamas. As of Tomorrow we plan to start the trip back to the USA FL. The last month we have spent in a confused state, going back and forth on selling our dream of  navigating the world or just cruising the Bahamas and the Caribbean next year.

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Romeo is an emotion yoyo, about selling or keeping the Catamaran (GETLOST) which in all aspects that is what we have done.

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Rusty  and Riley on vacation with us in March.

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We miss them and wish more people had joined us in the Bahamas!

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We have worked hard keeping in contact with Rusty, who is managing our business in Alaska. He has made it pretty easy to be gone.

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Romeo feels bored and lost not having responsibilities on a daily basic. Juliette is full of high desires to get back into the real estate market, with forecloses in every State in the Nation. It is hard for her not to be putting offers out on properties she has found on the internet. She has not bought any real estate for five years and is ready to get back in market. Romeo is ready to support her with ambition to find a few more properties in the next few years. Romeo put the boat on Craigslist in South FL. and Sailboat listings .com in Fl. And if it sells, that will be fine and if not we will come back next year in the spring for a shorter trip.

Right now we are at Harbour Island, Bahamas.

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GETLOST on her anchor in the Harbour with window cover’s on to keep out the heat. They works great and it is nice for watching show’s and working on the computer.

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Juliette investigates properties for sale on Harbour Island.

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Juliette ask Romeo if he can build one of these at the CA house.

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This was the set up for a wedding party and we notice another one being set up the next day at the Coral Sand Hotel.

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Back to the beach for a six mile walk.

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At the library there is also a cemetery and at medical clinic. So if you die you don’t have far to go!

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All the Marina’s are now full with million dollar fishing yachts.

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This is the day the Tuna Tournament started we saw 17 boats go out one after the other, it was legit!

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Giant tree’s at the library the best shade in Dunmore Town.

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Parked by the dump for a couple of days and got eaten alive, the no see’ms are back around here they call them the biter’s. We have not had any bites staying by Dunmore Town. Thank goodness, when you get that many bites at once you want to crawl out of your skin. Must have had 40 or 50 it was not fun, sell the boat!

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We will head thru the Devils Backbone in the morning, then fuel up at Spanish Wells. Then we plan to stop off for the night, at hair cut beach. There we will clean the bottom of the boat.

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Walked the beach at Spanish Wells.

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Hung out at the park and took a shower.

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Our last trip to Spanish Wells to shop.

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Crossing the Devils Backbone on flat sea’s!

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What should I do?

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Now for another hair cut for Romeo.

On 5/19/2010

We will be in Nassau, Bahamas. And have plans to go out for a nice late lunch and a long walk before dark. We should be anchor down by 3:00pm.

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I will have a few more details of what we have been doing the last four weeks.

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Knowing that this could be the end of our sailing life on GETLOST  has been hard, and it has been ever harder to write instead of just enjoying the time we have left on her.

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GETLOST on her anchor at Shroud Cay last December.

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Check back in a couple of days, we’ve  got some good fishing stories to tell. We caught a couple of nice ones from our trip from Georgetown to Harbour Island, when we sailed up here a couple of week’s ago. And we hope for a few new ones! CHEERS!

May 10, 2010

Lonely again!



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Juliette is up at 5:00am she is going to go back to the USA  CA to  finish Taxes and work in Las Vegas.

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She wakes up early to get packed up and to make a nice breakfast for her man.

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She bakes biscuits  and  cookies to help with his  never ending sweet tooth.

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Romeo moves the boat over to the west side of the Elizabeth Harbour at Georgetown to drop her off at the Peace and Plenty Hotel, so she can catch her flight by 12:00pm. As always she is cutting it close trying to do too much. Juliette arrivals at the airport with plenty of time and waits her plane for 35 minutes and relaxes at the airport. Romeo goes back to the boat and adjusts to being alone again for the next few week’s. He will be on vacation from his busy wife and will do something around the boat he has been planning to get done.

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The tenants have been taking great care of the house.


Juliette is coming back to the boat today and the weather is not been good, high winds the last two week’s and it is going to be a rough to pick up Juliette, tonight at 8:30pm at the Peace and Plenty Hotel. Romeo had purchased internet for a month so he gets up and checks his e-mail. Juliette has missed her flight and will be coming tomorrow he is sad, but relieved at the same time, the weather looks a little better for the next day.

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It was nice to sleep in a real bed!


Like the day before Juliette had to get up at 3:00am to catch her flight. She feels better about leaving, finished up with a few more things and was rested from playing golf two days before. She felt a lot better about going back to her boat life in the Bahamas for the next two months. Juliette arrived in Georgetown Bahamas an hour early, a taxi dropped her off at the Peace and Plenty Hotel. Juliette went through the Hotel looking for Romeo, he was not to be found, she dragged her luggage to the pool area and had a drink and waits for Romeo. She could see the boat in the Harbour the lights were all out and she thought he must have been sleeping. She went out looking over and over again looking at the boat hoping she would see him in the dingy coming across the Harbour to the Hotel to pick her up. There is a loud Bohemian band playing and couples dancing and having a great time on vacation. She goes out again looking for her man, she see’s a light come on in the boat. She is so happy that she will not have to get a Hotel room and finally after her long day of traveling feels she can relax and go to bed. Romeo dinghy's over to the Hotel and is right on time, Juliette didn’t know she was early and was very happy to see him. The sea’s were rough back to the boat, but they manage to get back without getting all the luggage and themselves  wet. A long two week’s  is over and they are ready to head back up north when the weather permits.

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May 6, 2010

Get ready to go back to USA!



Working in the morning packing and heading out for a long walk again to the beach on the east side of Stocking Island.

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Romeo wants to move the boat to the other side of the Harbour.

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He will drop off Juliette at The Peace and Plenty Hotel, to catch a cab to the airport in the morning.

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After our long walk on the beach we pull anchor and start the move to the other side the passage has many shoals, reefs and shallow sand banks. Romeo wants to do it with good light, we will cross in the afternoon before 2:00 pm. We get to the other side and there is no protection the wind is blowing like #ell and the boat is rocking and rolling. Romeo decides to go back to the other side and come back in the morning Juliette’s flight is not until 12:00 pm.

Anchor back down and Juliette makes a nice dinner and we go to bed early.

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