November 16, 2009

Romeo and Juliette's big adventure

First a side note. If you don't want to get another update, let me
know and I'll take you off the email list.

We are currently approx five miles off the coastal town of Naples,
florida, out in the Gulf of Mexico. We are on a thirty-eight foot
sailboat or motor boat because there are no winds. We are doing a
speedy seven Knots ( you could jog faster). Juliette is steering the
boat and I'm writing this. In five minutes the Space Shuttle is set to
launch and I'll tell you what I see. We saw a vapor trail for about
two minutes and then the trail stopped. Our first launch, the trail
emerged quickly so I can imagine those U. S. Astronauts were
expirencing some big G- forces.

It's 4 hours later and I'm tired. We are anchored at Naples. Beer
thirty! I'll fill you in with more later. John Doe.

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