11/28/09 5:00 AM John Doe gets a call on the radio from Gab. Weather looks good out side and all reports a good to go. They agree to leave a 7:00 am @6:30 am Gab is circling GETLOST, guess were John Doe is? Lets just say he not very happy with Gab and his promptness.
Gab has decided to become our guide. John Doe pulls the anchors and we set off. Gab tries all day to turn Romeo into a follower, but it doesn’t happen Romeo chose his own path and trust his chart plotter.
Juliette catches dinner a Grey Snapper.
We arrive safely. Gab is going to the Bluffs and we are staying alone by some Islands called Minks Patch we are finally alone. The fish was good!!! Gab grounded his boat, glad Romeo is not a follower.
11/29/09 Wakeup 7:00 am, glassy flat water. Coffee out in the cockpit with no bugs, no internet. So Triple A spends all day writing this blog and Romeo replaced the main sail line.
And a dingy ride to the beach and to go for a swim 86 degrees. Steak and Cocktails in the cockpit tonight.
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