December 1, 2009


11/25/09  11:30 woken by the sound of wind howling all around us Romeo looks out the window GETLOST  the PROUT CATARAMAN has done a 180 degree turn and we are getting blown towards the rocks to the north of us. Bahamas Nassua 005 For now our two Anchors are holding. The 25 plus knot winds and  pounding ocean water, all around us loud  sounds, John Doe is asking Triple A, WHAT WAS THAT??? OVER AND OVER   Bahamas Nassua 001AGAIN!!! 

We get the life jackets on and try then on for fit.Bahamas Nassua 006 Then  our tennis shoes  in case we have to jump, John Doe’s decision.  Juliette cleans up the rain that is coming in from the mast blowing inside any crack the water can find to get in . Water can be evil and your best friend. The  Anchors are holding  and the storm is starting to calm down, winds at 15 knots, rain stopped. Juliette went to bed.  Bahamas Nassua 007Romeo stayed up to keep watch for a few hours.

11/26/09  THANKSGIVNG  Triple A wake up at 4:30 am to flat seas, very excited to get under way to Nassau, make coffee and check weather on internet all looks good. John Doe wakes, gets coffee takes his time to look at the morning weather reports that Triple A found, and decides  we will go. Departing 8:00 am another motor boat decides to join us .  The weather was perfect Juliet cooked Thanksgiving dinner in the galley the whole cruise to Nassau with not even a spill. Juliette invites Gab  the captain of the other boat  for dinner, and we plan a trip to Nassau the next day. 

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