December 24, 2009

Waiting out the storm in Normans Pond

12/18/09  Each morning Romeo and Juliette drink their coffee and listen to the SSB (single side band radio) a type of ham radio, channel 4.045 the weather is updated  every morning at 6:30 AM, from a guy named Chris. All the people we have met highly recommend him and trust his predictions.  That is why we are hanging out in the pond and it sounds like it could be four or five days before we head back to the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park. Romeo has some repairs to complete and it should be cool inside the boat to get the work done.

Yesterday was the quiet before the storm, hot and sunny.

Normans pond, bahamas 012

Romeo spent the morning waiting for Triple A so he decided to remove the lettering of the past owner.

Normans pond, bahamas 002


Normans pond, bahamas 003

Normans pond, bahamas 004 

Romeo and Juliette stopped by a yacht on the way to the beach for a long walk,(thinking they my be stuck on the boat for days). The owner invited them back for a sundowner drink at 4:30 pm. John Doe wanted to walk the entire road all the way around and go to the beach bar for burgers and beers, after over four miles on the GPS and it was 3:00 pm it was time to turn around. After the eight mile walk in the heat we found a beautiful beach and went for a swim.

Triple A wanted to  do some fishing before heading back, but no bites so they decided to stop by the yacht for the sundowner drink.

Normans pond, bahamas 011

The owner of the yacht told them about a very important plant to avoid, the Poisonwood more nasty than any poison ivy or poison oak you will ever encounter. It can be a small bush or a large tree the bark is light brown and flakes and has a orange under bark, the leaves are smooth and shine green  and pale underneath with occasional brown patches. The leaves are in a group of five and droopy, the leaves release an oil that causes severe itching, burning and can turn into a very bad rash that spreads, some people that encounter the plant have to seek medical treatment. SOUNDS VERY BAD!!!! EXSPECIALY IF GETS IN YOUR EYES!!!

  John Doe wanted to find a closer dingy landing location, so we both walked thru the brush to get to the bank. There are driveways cut in, but that happened 30 year ago so it is all over grown.They both managed to make is down to the water and ended up right in front of the yacht that invited them for the drink later, apparently his wife saw Juliette in her bikini, Romeos was taking her picture so he could find the location again later.

Normans pond, bahamas 005

Normans pond, bahamas 008

It would be nice to land the dingy there for shorter walk next time. Needless to say the yacht owner was very concerned for them and after a half hour lecture in regards to the poisonwood  plant. He was concerned, because had to get medical treatment when he walked thru it. And said, his healing time was about month.The treatment is cool shower with lots of soap, rubbing alcohol to clean the areas of oil from the leaves, then apply  Benadryl or Calamine lotion, Kerosene or sap of the gumelemi to help with itching. And anything that eases the pain and itch!!!!! Romeo and Juliette quickly went back to the boat and did the recommended treatment. SO FAR SO GOOD, YEAH!!!!


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