January 29, 2010

Gas @ Potatoes

Well I woke up in Royal Island and wasn’t in the best mood. I’ve come to the conclusion that I need an alarm clock. I thought I wouldn’t need one but there actually is a reason you might have to get up earlier than when your body tells you to even if you dont have a job. Any way last night I’m getting up every hour or so to check my watch. Why? Because the weather show comes on at 6:30am and I am addicted. Wind and waves matter a lot when you live on a boat. You might want to know when that next squall is predicted to come through your area at 3am. Any who……Juliette, please bring back a battery operated travel alarm clock. Why battery?, because no 110 volt at night.

I woke up tired and missed the first half of the general forecast show, but I was able to fill in the missing pieces by listening to individual reports that he gives to people who pay him a fee. After his general forecast he takes call ins on the radio from these customers who want more specific weather reports for the particular boating plans.

Royal Il. to Spanish Wells For Gas 001

After the weather I decided to go to Spanish Wells to Fill up the fuel tanks. I left the protected anchorage and was heading directly into a 13 knot wind. It was only about 5 miles away which would normally take about a hour with the engines, but i decided to zig zag with the sails. Sailors call it tacking, but I am not a sailor, just a sailboat owner. I zig zagged with the fishing lines out….no luck!! Drat. Royal Il. to Spanish Wells For Gas 005

The 1 hour boat ride turned into a 3 hour zig zag ride. That was okay because I didn’t have anything else to do today. When I got to the gas station I got some help docking from the two fuel attendants. Both of them were very nice and after I was done fueling I went into the general store to pay, I picked up a bag of potatoes and a onion and paid for my 50 gallons of diesel.

Royal Il. to Spanish Wells For Gas 004 Royal Il. to Spanish Wells For Gas 003

I sailed down wind back to my anchorage that took about 2 hours. I just put out a small scrap of sail and coasted back at about 2 knots (I had a few hours to kill). Oh yeah, on the way there I was doing 5-6 knots Zig zagging.

Royal Il. to Spanish Wells For Gas 008

Royal Il. to Spanish Wells For Gas 007

On the way back a fishing boat towing 3 smaller boats is heading out to the fishing grounds. The smaller boats go collect lobster or conch and return them to the mother boat.

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