February 18, 2010

Romeo and Juliette, what’s really going on!!!!


As you all know by now we purchased a sailing catamaran in Florida on May 21, 2009.

canon camcorder 2009 016

canon camcorder 2009 004

canon camcorder 2009 007

canon camcorder 2009 019

Shroud Cay,Bahamas 051 

Our plan was to circumnavigate the world, to take our time traveling down to Trinidad, this year and leave the boat there for the summer and go back to Alaska to work and spend time with family and friends.

2008 Gulf Stream 001 

We started by crossing from Miami, FL. over to the Bahamas. Then down to the Caribbean Islands, then at some point go thru the Panama Canal. Following the trade winds as we go on our free ride around the world. But of course nothing is free and maintenance on a boat is not cheap and neither is Juliette,

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she is on a first class budget when it comes to living.

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She is a romantic and in love with her husband, Romeo. The longer they live together closely on the catamaran boat the easier it is.

NASSAU FEB 2009 015

She realizes, more and more how lucky she is to have married a man whom is so adventurous and willing to learn new things daily, with an open mind with no preconceptions of what it would be like to live on a boat full time.

Nassua Feb 14 2010 020

Hot milk for my coffee (SWEET)

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When she first met him, he seemed to be very conservative with a boyish character and very loyal to his family, friends and the people he employed.

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He has high standards and is demanding in a very creative way that gets people to do what he wants and almost never asks for anything, but some how always gets what he wants out of a person.

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The boyish side is crazy and loves to have fun, but almost never laughs one reason is he doesn’t hear well, but the more important is he is very smart and it takes a lot to entertain him. When we were raising Robby my sisters son, for a few years after his mother past away. It was good times and Romeo took the job of schooling him into becoming the best man he could be very serious and he was upset all the time. Juliette realized that being in charge of the out come of a persons life is a very big job. Juliette decides not have a baby and not to get pregnant, she is still waiting for her monkey. She loves spending time with kids, but it’s also nice not to have the responsibly of raising a child and staying in one spot all  the time.

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So do we like living on the boat? This is the most frequent asked question. Why would we want to put ourselves in danger, is the second. So to answers the first question yes we like it, but do we think it is crazy too, yes!!!!

Nassau to Royal Island 018

Were is the other half of my fish?

It is it hard, yes in every way you can think of, it’s like living off the land in a way, but in a nice boat in stead of in the mountains on land in the cold.

Nassau to Royal Island 012 

Nassau to Royal Island 050

It is a carefree life style in the morning we wake up and say (were should we go today),

Nassau to Royal Island 006

the only thing that controls us is the weather and each other on the decision.

Or waiting for a part for boat at DHL for a week in Nassau

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We work on the boat on bad weather days, usually  up side down,

Nassau to Royal Island 027

Nassau to Royal Island 031

if we feel like it or just read a book.

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Sit in the cockpit and have a cold one at the end of the day.

Nassau to Royal Island 003


We have no one to impress our morals on, no one to restrict our standard of living, and no one to answer to but each other.

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It is like living the life of a teenager, but with money.

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Our only stress is the weather and making sure that the boat continues to keep us safe, and to our next adventure. It is intoxicating just like the love we have for each other is.

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4 more Mutton Snappers

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We work harder to please one another and put the other person first.

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He called this my prom dress, he was very surprised when this one came out on Valentines Day.

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When one of us is really set on something, the other one quickly caves and give into to the other and the dance goes on.

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Second question do we feel like we are in danger? We are feeling better about our abilities as sailors and we have been going out in winds has high as 28 knots and 8 foot seas. Our boat is designed for deep blue water and can take a lot and so can we.

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Nassau to Royal Island 040

Romeo is mastering setting the anchor, but dragging anchor and crashing into something is  in the middle of the night is always a concern in bad weather or good.

Nassua Feb 14 2010 086 

We no longer ever feel sea sick or anything from the motion of the ever constant movement of the water.

NASSAU FEB 2009 001

NASSAU FEB 2009 002

More touring of Nassau, Bahamas as we wait for the pump for the water maker, delivery at DHL.

NASSAU FEB 2009 018 

NASSAU FEB 2009 010

NASSAU FEB 2009 024 

We get antsy if we stay in one place for more than a few days. It is the best thing we could have ever done to keep your life and marriage exacting and growing in a new direction, we are so lucky to have each other and to have my brother keeping our house in order in Alaska, he is one of the people who brought us together and is a positive support. We can never thank him enough for helping us live out our dream and we hope he knows that we are always there for him. And yes we are planning to stay with the plan of circumnavigating the world.

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We are have a lot of fun!!!!!

Royal island 012

Fireworks on Valentines Day.

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