March 30, 2010

A tour of Eleuthera, Day 9



Long walk to the airport to pick up a rental car and purchase the tickets for Rusty and Riley Roo to fly back to Nassau and then back to Alaska. They will fly out tomorrow we will try to get them on a 12:30 flight.

Once again we dingy to the beach, by the dump and start walking to the airport.


Rusty wants to come along with Romeo and Juliette to the airport, they ask him if he is sure he wants to come it is a long walk and he says “Yes! I’m not going to sit on the boat and listen to Riley my last day here!”

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We pull the dingy on to the beach and we preceded with the 3 mile walk to the airport.

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Juliette takes pictures of the wild flowers that have just come out the last few days. We had not seen flowers all winter. The rain and sunshine made them grow. Bad weather is go for something!

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Can you find the bird in this picture?

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Can you find the crab in this picture?

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Here is a farm for sale if anyone is interested see or call O. Pot's cell. Looked like he was growing Oranges and Poison Wood.

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Rusty was very happy to see his old drinking buddy Mattie.

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Rusty remembers the déjà vu after drinking a couple of beers with Mattie, the day he arrived a week ago. He had wished he had taken this picture and had his picture taken with Mattie all week. Rusty can check that off his bucket list.

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Mattie is the North Eleuthera airport ambassador and very friendly. And not afraid to have a beer with you when he is working, nice job to have! He told us about a Pig Roast at Bottom Harbour.

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Juliette ran into some people she had talk with the night her and Riley went dancing at Valentines. The couple was from Nashville Tennessee, they told her that the night they all meet, was the best night on Harbour Island. We had a great time together there was a lot of fun people. A lot of parents have a very good time, partying with there kids on spring break. Everyone was just letting there hair down and just having a good time. We all danced all night and had a fabulous time. The band was play current music with the Bahamian flare!

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We think there almost famous! Who are they?

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Next stop the Preacher Cave the #1 on all the list of thing’s to see on Eleuthera! 

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The road to the cave was rough and rocky, nothing like four wheeling in a rental car. This is the sign to the turn off to The National Monument of the Bahamas.

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We have arrived in one piece. Preacher’s Cave, was the first settlement on Eleuthera. They found shelter and held church services after their ship wrecked on the Devil’s Backbone reef in 1648.

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Not sure what to O stands for.

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A short walk to the cave.

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Now it’s time to investigate the cave “Aunt Juliette be careful!”

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We made it to the top in our matching Bahamian flippy floppies!

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How did the live here with all the hole’s in the ceiling? But it does bring in some nice natural light.

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I will climb this rock and see what is up here! And I will stand watch for you!

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It’s a good thing I wore this lighted hat! I can see everything!

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There are a lot of hole in the cave, it must not have been fun to live here when it rained.

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Nothing up here just a rope some one put up here.

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This rock monument says “They have been having sermons held here for a hundred years,” but how old is the the rock monument?

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Rusty and Romeo through rocks at a coconut tree to see if the can knock one off, no success !

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Now to see the beach were they crashed the boat, on the Devils Backbone. Tay Bay Beach

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Now I made it up here, but how am I gonna get down those rocks are very sharp!

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Maybe I will just stay here and live in the cave!

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I thought Mattie said this was a pig roast? I guess that’s what they call a barbeque around here. $10.00 a plate and cheap beer! And Allie was the barterer that we met in December at Mutton Point. Small Island!

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Bottom Harbour Beach Club!

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Bottom Harbour!

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Now on with our tour of Eleuthera! To the Glass window and beyond! 

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Now this is quality construction! This is the bridge at the glass window. Amazing, we just can’t get them to build bridges like this in the USA!

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Light blue water! 

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Dark blue water!

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Is he taking another picture of us? He is almost as bad as Caden!

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Let’s go all the way to Governor Harbour and then walk to the beach take some more picture and then drive another hour and a half back to the boat. That’s it!  Lets do it, onward James. Sure hope we can find a gas station open, I don’t kwon if we will make it back we are on the big E.

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Alright every one to the beach single file.

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Ho boy, look it's another beautiful beach. Will at least we finally found a gas station and the Ice cream was good, I guess it was worth the drive!

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I think that guy is looking at my chest! He is probably the reason that when couple Romeo asked how to get to the beach, they told us to lock the car! He looks scary and he is the only person on the Island that didn’t say “HI!”

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Will we seen it, can we please go back to the boat now? And to think Romeo didn’t even get a ticket driving the wrong way on a one way and meeting a the police head on. The police man just let us back up out of his way, right to the liquor store! Damn they’re all closed on Sunday, I love almost every thing about the  Bahamas!

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We drove all the way here just to see another damn beach! Enough beaches already! What happen to the Club Med , it blew away in a hurricane!

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Can we go now?

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Now to make my trip complete we need to find a coconut!

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It is the sacred coconut of the Bahamas!

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Look Mom I found it by the beach can, I keep it?

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He won’t eat much and I promise to clean up after him!

No carding on the boat tonight, can we have Margaritas?

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They are starting to talk to the coconut, how many beers did they drink?

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I’m really gonna miss you Riley, when your gone tomorrow!

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Margarita's with salt on the rim are good!

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I think they are losing it! What do you think?

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Have you met my pet Seal? He just won’t eat! I’ve tried everything! 

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Maybe he is just thirsty!

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You talking back to me?

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I told you to eat you dinner and not give me any lip about it!

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Look at the camera and smile! That’s a good Seal coconut!

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Is he for real, is he really doing all that stuff to that coconut? Yeah, Riley I believe he is!

Spanish Wells, Devils Back Bone, Bahamas 028