January 5, 2010

Beach combing on the Eastside on Wardrick Wells

1/4/2010  Got up and went right in weather is starting to get ugly and need to pick up internet card from office at Headquarters.

Wardrick  Wells Bahamas 009  It is on the cold side and the water is rough coming in to the beach the cold front is here.

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Landed on the beach at 11:00am plan a long walk get started for the Eastside off the Island.

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They pick up old buoys and place them next to the signs. Triple A picks up a piece of driftwood to make a sign for BOO  BOO HILL driftwood name pile.


She will decorated  the piece of driftwood tomorrow while waiting out the front.

Wardrick  Wells Bahamas 018

Strong wind up to 30 knots all day is predicted so Romeo will not get off the boat in those conditions. Maybe we could use at rope this size too try us down.

Wardrick  Wells Bahamas 027 Shady Tree path. To see if they can find their shy friend the land crab.

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He is in the photo can you find him.

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The Causeway trail by the bridge is covered with water the tide is so high. They had to walk barefoot carefully over the rocks and the water to cross the bridge to get to Headquarter.

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These are natural wells found all over the Island that is why it’s called Wardrick Wells.

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Not sure what Slave Dip is or means.

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Cleaning sand out of my shoe for the millionth time.

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Wardrick  Wells Bahamas 043  

Triple A found a coconut on the beach, Romeo peeled it open to see if it is still good to eat.

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Triple A with her driftwood project.

Wardrick  Wells Bahamas 012

Made it back to the dingy around 3:00pm long walk again.

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Nice sunset and watched a couple of movies they rented from Headquarters and went to bed.

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