January 5, 2010

Anchored in Wardrick Wells, Bahamas

1/3/2010   Stayed on the boat most the day to use the internet and catch up some paper work. The water was pretty calm, so John Doe decides to get Triple A off the boat for a swim to the beach.

Wardrick  Wells Bahamas 004

He anchored in shallow water around the corner from Emerald Rock to get off the mooring ball to save $15.00 per night plus $10.00 if they want internet.

Wardrick  Wells Bahamas 001

Went for a swim to the beach the water was getting pretty cold. The  weather last few weeks has been in the 60’s and 70’s at night and the water is not as pleasant for a swim. Next time they will wear the wet suites and it should be better. Saw a lot of fish following Triple A back back to the boat seemed they liked her yellow fins.

Meeks Patch, Eleuthera 003

Romeo starts getting concerned about the water depth around 4:30pm decides they are in to shallow of water to stay the night. The bottom of the boat (the keels) are starting to bounce on the bottom of the sea floor on to the sand. Romeo goes to the front of the boat and starts to pull the anchor up Juliette says in the cockpit to man the engines to move the boat forward to pick up the anchor. Pull forward and the boat stop dead in the water bouncing on the bottom they will have to wait it out until the water level raises as the tide comes up. The wind only at 8 to 10 knots was holding and not increasing so they were in good shape and had no choice, but to just sit and wait.

Wardrick  Wells Bahamas 007

An hour later they try again, no luck, stuck again, go in and wait longer. Two hours later around 8:00pm they try again and finally they are freed from the sand prison and the potential danger they were in, if the wind had picked up, the bottom would have gotten damaged or the sail drive propellers. In the end John Doe learned another valuable lesson to pay a closer eye on the water level and the tides before anchoring.

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