January 3, 2010

Sitting on the Ball in Emerald Rock mooring field, on Wardrick Well Cay

1/2/2010    Not much to do this morning but catch up on the blog and relax.

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After Romeo’s chair started sliding from one side of the room to the other he went out side and worked on a different way to tie to the mooring ball, so there would not be as much rolling and his chair would stay in on place. He put it on the  windward side of the  boat to reduces the movement. It worked great and it was a lot more comfortable the rest of the day.

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This is the standard way to tie to a mooring ball.

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Going on a hike so put the ball back in front.

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The only boat on a Emerald Rock mooring balls, its our own private Idaho.

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No one on the beaches except Triple A.

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Eastern shore found an old metal ball, doing a little digging on it to see what it is.

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Met some friends a long the trail

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Crab not to happy about John Doe poking at him.

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Very friendly bird.

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This is the first snake we have see in the Bahamas.

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Many rats scurry around as they walk the trails.This guy probably weighs 2lbs

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Crab in one of the many nature wells on the Island

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  Headquarters at Wardrick Wells

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Notice all the boats lined up they all congregate together LIKE SHEEP.

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After a 3 hour hike to headquarters and back its time to go back to the boat. Romeo is really tired from staying up all night waiting for the front to come. Both of them are a little burned out, from the party and from not sleeping well. It will be an early night!!!!wardrick wells bahamas 035  

Another day comes to a end.

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