January 29, 2010

Nassau unsafe, What??

Well the unaware are just happier. I’ve been here in the Bahamas for over two months and all the guide books I’ve read all say about the same thing, “The criminals live in Nassau”.

I’ve spent much time on the outer islands and everyone there also says, “Nassau is not safe”. So when I got here in Nassau about six days ago, I was concerned about my stuff. We anchored on the north side of the island off Cable Beach. We would take the dingy ashore and just leave it on the public beach. When we returned hours later I was not quite sure the dingy would always be there, but it always was and the locals I met on my walks were all very nice and they answered all my “tourist questions” with much patience and always an “enjoy your stay”.

I thought I found a nice bay to anchor in. Every day I was amazed that I was the only boat here at anchor in this big bay, after all, there are many boats coming to Nassau every day and you would think at least one of them would find out about my little slice of paradise. Instead they all would pile up inside the busy harbor 2 miles east of my anchorage. Do they know something I don’t or are they just like most people that just like to herd together?

This morning I was enjoying my day on the boat thinking that I might just stay here at this anchorage, after all I had a very nice beach here, I had Internet, and all the stores I might need were all within walking distance………..Then I had a visitor.

It wasn’t some low life criminal coming to steal my stuff, but instead it was the “Harbor Patrol”. Two very nice professional men in uniform had come by to check up on me. The conversation goes something like this,

him: Hello, how are you?

me: I’m good. how are you?

him: Fine. How long are you here for?

me: Well I’ve been here a couple of days and I might stay a few more. Is this a restricted anchorage?

him: No, not at all, but you might consider moving into the harbor for your own safety.

me: Is that weather related or something else? (I knew the weather was going to be okay for the next couple of days)

him: Both. The wind and waves could build from the north and your the only boat here. If somebody was to board you a night there isn’t anybody around to help you.

So after a little though, I moved to the harbor today. The harbor patrol man looked like a seasoned professional, so I took his advice. After looking around at my new anchorage I’m not so sure this place is any better, just a few more people to hear my screams and maybe its easier for the police to take theft reports, after all the police station is a lot closer.

Tomorrow I am heading to Royal Island about 40 miles east of here, back to the sticks, were I belong.

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my new backyard

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Below are the pictures of my old back yard. I’m not so sure that maybe I was the riff-raff they were trying to tell to “move along”.

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