March 3, 2010

Back to Harbour Island, dangerously low on beer!


After hang out on Royal Island for four days it was time for new scenery. We were getting low on beer so we pulled anchor around 10:00 am. Romeo put out the fishing poles and we tried to fish, as we head for Spanish Wells. We plan to spend the night and do a little shopping in the morning.

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On the way we only catch one Barracuda, but Romeo was happy because it is one less fish to clean.  They are still a blast to fight.Spanish Wells has mooring balls and free internet so we spend the rest of the day answering e-mails and taking care of business.


Up early to listen to the Chris Parker weather “SHOW” on at 6:30 am. It is one our main sources of weather, so each morning we set the alarm for 6:00 am every day but Sunday. After the “SHOW” Romeo plans for out next hide out spot. Another cold front coming and then  another. Nice morning still playing around on the internet. At this point Romeo and Juliette are starting to get on each others nerves both wanting to spend time on the computer. Juliette gives Romeo a new nick name”Computer Hog'’, but it not really that simple he needs to check the weather and read sailing blogs and get catch up with the out side world and so does she. Wanting to get to Harbour Island, Juliette prepares to leave, but Romeo wants to work on the boat. He let’s her win and unhooks from the mooring ball and starts the trip, the radar is still not working, but there is a line on the charts for him to follow. Juliette gets the fishing poles out and hopes for a bite as they travel through the Devils Backbone to Harbor Island no fish. They anchor around 3:00 pm and get settled in for the anticipated 40 knot squalls the “SHOW” predicted.


Wake up to a gorgeous sunny day and the day next is it going be the same Juliette is very excited, about there being two days of fun in the sun. It has been months since they had a day like this. The last time was in December in the same area  Harbour Island, and Eleuthera Island. Juliette pulls out a swim suit and plans her day in her mind.

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A long 6 mile walk on the beach, lunch at the Coral Sand Beach restaurant and riding the horses on the beach and ride the surf on a rented kayak, it was all planned out in her mind, two full days of much need  fun in the sun. It was perfect just as she had remember, the 3 mile long beach was full for people playing in the water and the sand, at one point Romeo notices a shark about 30 feet out and headed towards a group of people playing in the water. Juliette runs down to let them know about the shark they all run out of the water like the movie JAWS.

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They Thanked us over and over again and we told them it was probable a Nurse Shark, but none of them like the idea of swimming with their kids in the water with shark, can you blame them?

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Sand castles were every, a son and his father were digging foundation baby sitters it was, six by six by three feet deep, they were having a great time and  keeping the two year old entertained. And his mommy sipped a fruity drink reading a good book. A lady and her sister playing in the surf, accidently crashed a little girl looked like aunty was holding her and she was knocked over on her face first by a large wave into the surf. The cute little girl took a mouth full of sand. With her mouth full of sand she came out screaming, she was a curly hair little doll, but not so cute with the anger she had for her aunty at that moment. And screamed for her mommy for help. There was a mother and her three daughter riding horses on the beach and dad running behind snapping pictures.

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And lots of people of all ages, just walking the pink beach. Romeo and Juliette walk the full length of the 3 mile beach and turn around and walk back to the Coral Sands for lunch and a fruity drink,

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it was perfect.

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After lunch they walk to Dunmore Town to pick up some beer. Walking back to the boat about a mile away a nice man asked them if they would like a ride on his golf cart and Romeo gladly said yes, because his back had been hurting from bending over the water maker putting in the new pump, and now carrying a case of beer was not helping. The nice man asked Romeo where we were headed and  Romeo said Valentine’s Marina. We jumped on the back seat of the golf cart and the guy pulled forward about fifty feet and he dropped us at Valentine’s Marina.

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Romeo handed Juliette the beer she put it in the  dingy and headed for home. Juliette had purchase two cases of beer so Romeo when back for the other one, after dropping off Juliette at the boat.

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He headed back to the store, it would be closed the next day on Sunday, so Romeo wanted to make sure that his beer purchase was not forgot by Monday and sold to someone else. To find a case of  Coors light might be at least two days of sailing or they would have to rent a car and with a price tag of $49.00  a case already it very expensive beer. They had not purchased any since they left Rock Sound in early December,

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So Romeo didn’t want to take any chances.

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