March 3, 2010

Juliette has her first melt down what to do?


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Another splendid day in paradise 85 degrees and no wind Juliette is very excited and gets ready early. Romeo is playing on the internet while she takes a shower and the will move to Romora Bay Club and Resort,

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the Marina was having a special, dock slips are FREE and you can use all the amenities, sounds good and the pool looks great.

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But John Doe has other plans and after they tie up to the dock John Doe starts working on the water maker he has been e-mail TJ in Florida and studying the information on the Clark pump, so he plans to fix the pump, and Juliette can go to the pool or walk alone to the beach.

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Juliette notice the extreme pain he is in trying to bend over the hole were the water maker is installed. So she sits down in the hole and he starts handing her the tools to remove the Clark pump it took about 30 minutes to get it out and another hour to figure out how to get two rings out and in back into the pump.

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With of course, not a tool that will remove the rings, but they have all different kinds of objects in the boat, to get them out.

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Another hour to reinstall the Clark Pump and now to see if it works. No luck it is worst than it was before and the work the pump needs to be replaced. Romeo e-mails Spectra TJ and tells them the results. Around 3:45 pm Romeo is ready to go for a walk, but by then  Triple A has lost her patience and decides to decline the offer of a walk, she even though she really does want to go. She has been watching him and knows his back is still in pain and knows he does not real want to take a walk to the beach anyways, so why push him. They sit in the cockpit and enjoy a beer and the sunset.


Triple A wakes up at 4:30 am to the sound of 30 knot winds and rain pounding outside. She is so mad, mad, mad the two days of sunshine in months and he spends it working on a Clark pump, how could he make her sit on the boat for a week at a time and then denied her just two beautiful days in a row. She knows he is just trying to make sure they have water, but still she can’t stop the tears from falling and just being mad. John Doe gets up and does his regard routine and does not wake her. Triple A  just stays in the bed in the cabin and lays there stewing about her lost day as it is still raining outside. Finally out of nowhere she jumps out of bed and up to the salon with firery words and tells him how pissed she is that they worked on such a beautiful day and what a waste it was. She went back down to the cabin and laid in bed with the pillow over her face and cried some more. Romeo comes in and sits next to the bed and tries to lighten thing up and says “ I thought you were going to hit me, you were so mad.” She confessed some other things in the past that upset her like when she bought the ski condo, he would never take her skiing, and never has. And he is never happy once  they get committed to something he never likes it at first, or  sometimes ever. But he puts up with it because that's what men do, put up the $hit from their high maintance women. As she is trying to help him fulfill a dream and now once again he doesn’t like it. She feels like he will never be happy with anything. It is very hard to be away from family and friends and work he confessed and feels like he is spinning his wheels. The main problem is we have just been hang in the same areas waiting for Rusty and Riley. Not having and new experiences and the weather being the coolest in a least 10 or more years. Always having to hide out for the weather and all the mechanical problems . It can really break you down. And he would feel better if he just got off the boat and went home for a week or two.But he doesn’t want to leave the boat, and he is counting down the day to get off the boat and talks about selling it daily. The grass is not always greener, but the water is bluer.Harbour Island Bahamas Feb2010 114

Romeo takes Triple A for a walk they start to head to the beach and they are too hot in there rain gear and Triple A is still having her Temper Tantrum inside. You would think she had PMS, but she now calls it TMBT,(too much boat time.) They walk back to the boat and she knows the best thing for her is to calm down, walking in the rain just made her mad again. So she made them a couple of Bloody Mary's and Romeo checks the e-mails to see if there is any response from the Spectra water maker Co. Yes, he is very happy they have a new Clark pump for us and can ship it to Rusty today day at no charge to us, so the work they did the day before is not wasted and he is very happy. Triple A feels like an @$$.

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