March 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom


Happy Birthday Mom, we miss you!!!  GetAttachment

Wake up to more this morning to sunshine how special is that, this is a lucky boy and on his Mothers Birthday a perfect day. We love you!

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Harbour Island Bahamas Feb2010 050   He just wants to go home and work, he has had enough fun.Harbour Island Bahamas Feb2010 090

Or is he spoiled?

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Verdict is still out there.

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My feet hurt, the sand is just to soft it needs to be harder. So I can wear my shoes.

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Does any one feel sorry for him?

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And he lost his sun tan!

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  Some days are just so cold here, I can’t hardly take it.

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We will try and see if we can make it another 90 days it is going to be hard. I guess it is going to great weather from here on out. I sure hope so, its better for everyone when your live in close quarters, and have no TV or internet or phone, its better to be out moving.

Harbour Island Bahamas Feb2010 053

I’m ready to go!

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