March 29, 2010

Laundry day! Day 8


We all talk in the morning, Rusty and Riley have two day’s left and it is a windy day. We could go pick up the car and tour the Island of Eleuthera in a rental car. But Juliette say’s “We need the car on the day we take them to the airport, tomorrow would be better.”

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Rusty thinks on it! And said “I need to do my laundry!” I have nothing to wear to the airport, I only brought a few things to wear and it’s all dirty! How about we do nothing today and just relax and do laundry!”

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Juliette makes eggs Benedict for every one and does some much needed cleaning around the boat. Riley helps her dad find the clothing that needs to be washed. Two loads of laundry takes half the day! Rusty jokes with Riley that her favorite pants just few off the line and she goes out to look! Riley said “ Daddy that’s not funny, I need to wear them to the airport!”

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It’s getting a little boring just sitting on the boat all day. Romeo decides to take a ride in the dingy to the beach to look for shells, Rusty and Juliette join him. Riley stays on the boat for to catch some ZZZ’s and take a shower. Romeo lowers the dingy and the three of us take a ride to the beach.

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Romeo drops off Juliette at one end of the beach, she need’s to get a longer walk to get rid of extra energy.

R & R Bahamas 168   Rusty had a long walk in Spanish Wells and his feet were still hurting, but he was always ready to go anyway!

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Rusty is going to take shells back in his luggage, along with the Clark Pump for the water maker to be ship back to the company, for the $1,600.00 refund when the old one is returned.

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And we did find some more shells.

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It was nice to have a day to relax for a change.

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Pork chops  and mash potatoes for dinner.

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