March 29, 2010

Holy Mackerel, Day 7


Once again the four of us take turns sharing the two computer’s to get time on the internet at Spanish Wells, we spoke with family on Skype. Talk to Rusty’s  roommate Don, to check how he was doing with all the puppy dogs.

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This a good likeness of my dog, but Rusty please e-mail me a picture of my puppy dog I miss her!!

Juliette was so pleased to see her old dog Raquel still being lazy and happy on her bed. Talked to Chelsea and got to see her baby on video. We talked to her and she was all smiling it was nice to interact with the  baby Talore.

She born was in December a month early and she is doing great and is a cute tiny baby.

Going back thru the Devils Back Bone to get back to Harbour Island. Nice calm sea’s it should be a faster trip without all the big waves, we had the day we came out.

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We trolled all the way through with out a bite.

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  Romeo has to go from one marker to the next, then go around a pole and  head in toward the dump. We will anchor and walk to the airport the next day.

Spanish Wells, Devils Back Bone, Bahamas 018

Another boat is heading towards us as we enter the Harbour. Romeo goes to the Portside and has to come close to a small Island out in the middle. Romeo warns us, that we will have to reel in the fishing poles, we are almost there. Then all of the sudden one of the pole start’s singing. Rusty runs to the pole and starts reeling, Romeo backs the power off the motor. Romeo says to Juliette, “ Reel in the other pole!” Rusty is fighting his fish we were all interested to see what kind of a fish on the end of his line, we had trolled in the Harbour and never had a hook up before. Juliette is taking picture. There it is, we can see it is a sizeable Mackerel and a keeper.

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Juliette was reeling in the other pole, but got distracted and excited about all the action. She left her line out about fifty feet and forgot about it, we watched Rusty bring the Mackerel up to the boat. We get a couple of picture of him fishing. Then wham the other pole Juliette left out, the line starts singing it has a hit. Juliette runs to the pole and pick’s it up she starts reeling and is fighting the fish. '”Wow it’s a double hook up!”

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This time Rusty is busy with his fish,  she finally gets to hold a pole. Juliette is reeling the fish in and we all say “Holy Mackerel, another Mackerel!'” Rusty is to busy with his fish! Juliette just brings it right in the cockpit still on the hook, she will not lose this Mackerel today.

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Yes, I forgot to finishing reeling in the pole when Rusty was fighting his fish. But look at my fish!

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Juliette reminds her brother that her fish is bigger! And is happy with her choice of putting on a the blue and silver and black lure.

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      That’s two fish in five minutes, Romeo decides to troll the area again. But that was it, no more bites. We were lucky, there must have been a school that came through the Harbour, the same time as we were trolling.

Romeo anchors by the dump again, Rusty filets the fish and Juliette gets them packed for the freeze.

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And guess what? Fish for dinner again, Riley is not to sure about the thought of eating fish again, so she said “WHAT IS WITH YOU PEOPLE WHO EAT SOME FORM OF FISH EVERY OTHER DAY, ARE YOU PEOPLE CRAZY?

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Juliette tells Rusty he can fish off the back of the boat if he would like to. She had heard other people talking about catching fish out in the Harbour. Romeo and Juliette had see guides in the area “bone fishing” by the dump anchorage. Juliette had saved some of the meat off the Mackerel, so she rigged her brother a pole. Rusty cast out, put the pole in the holder and cracked a beer.

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Next thing you know he gets a hit and the fight is on! Rusty wins and reels the fish to the boat. “WOW IT IS A BIG NEEDLE FISH!”

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We let this one go. The book said not much meat on them, but this one look’s like it could  feed all four of us. We have all the fish we need in the freezer, Thanks Rusty.

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