March 26, 2010

I flew 10,000 mile for a good hair cut!Please cut my hair! Day 6



What people will do for a good hair cut! Rusty has been bugging Juliette for a hair cut since his arrival to the Bahamas.

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Romeo and Juliette will not cut hair on the boat again, after the last time it took forever to get the hair out of the boat. So they have been waiting for the perfect day with no wind and a nice beach to do it. After fishing the day before, they anchored by the Current Settlement on N. Eleuthera it was a small beach. It was the perfect place to get a hair cut and take a nice walk after breakfast, before going out fishing again. While doing the dishes before breakfast the tongs were falling off the counter and Juliette got a finger stuck inside the kitchen tongs.

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She was bleeding badly and couldn’t get it off. Juliette held her hand over the trash can.

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Romeo surgically removes the tong with two sets of pliers. Romeo pried them apart to free his wife from the tongs she was imprisoned.

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She was thinking “I hope this product that they sell at Walmart gets a recall,” they have a very sharp inside edge and she had felt it a couple of other times, but this time it was ready stuck.

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What if some one was alone and this happen? Scary kitchen tools!!!!

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Juliette is not to concerned with the cut, it is on the right hand, it is the one she holds her scissors with. The boys will still get there hair cuts on the beach. After the tongs were removed it didn’t hurt anyway. Juliette cut her hands daily being a hairstylist for 23 years and has a high pain threshold, the hair cutting must go on!!! But the evil kitchen tongs no longer live on the boat.

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Hey let’s walk all the walk to the end of the beach and then walk to the other end and them walk back to the middle and see if we can find some treasure! Can I come too?

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Yeah look what I found!  Someone just took the conch out and just let this shell here to die.

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Look it’s a mini hot tub! This feel’s so good on my feet!

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Rusty with his new transformed conch shell fists, you want a piece of me? Help me Romeo I can’t get them off! Hurry get the pliers!

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Look it’s my first sand dollar! Yeah I’m keeping it too! Rusty had to get his short’s wet to get, it it’s a keeper!

R & R Bahamas 094  Now the long walk back to the boat. My feet hurt!

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Riley is a little cranky today, she has a bit of a sun burn. She went back on the boat to have some personal time with her “ beach personality”. Daddy needs a break!

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Now this is the way to cut hair!

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This water is a little cold can you turn up the heat?

R & R Bahamas 100 What no shampoo that’s the best part, I was robbed! 10,000 miles for this! What kind of  a business are you running? What you think you are retired, well you better think again we will never let you quit! Who will do our hair? What will we do?  Were will we go? Were ever you go, were ever you hide, we will find you and you will cut our hair? You think you can just sail away?  You think your going to get away from us? Just go ahead and try it, it’s not going to work we will never let it happen. So get that out of you head we own you for life, so get use to it lady is not happening! You can never stop cutting our hair! We own you!

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Juliette is told she can take the rest of the day off.

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So let’s get back to the  REEL business at hand. FISH ON!!!!

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Another large Mutton Snapper, Rusty is starting to look like a pole hog! Nice hair cut, can we get a before and after on that?

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Now if I could just get her to give me a hair cut, life would be so much better with my hair cut! I already gave her and Riley all my cash, so I will have to try begging and pleading “Miss a hair cut for the poor unfortunate long hair mongrel, can you please see things my way?” Is she listing to me can she read my mind? Will try again tomorrow!

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Talk to me, you want us to eat you for dinner? What I could not hear you? Was that a yes? I’m taking that as a yes, it’s finale, you will be our dinner to night and your gonna be good!

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Are we done fishing all ready? Let’s go to Spanish Well’s and get a Mooring ball they have one left and Romeo told them we would be there in 45 minutes.

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Well if we have to Captain! Riley is so happy with Romeo, please end my misery get me off this boat. Teenagers!

Spanish Wells, Devils Back Bone, Bahamas 001 R & R Bahamas 116

How do you like my hair cut? Romeo met Juliette getting a hair cut 13 years ago and it was love at first cut. He would ask his friends if his hair looked long enough for another hair cut? Margie, his best friend Mike’s wife, told him about Juliette. Margie  would say '”Yeah you are looking a little long around the ears” and he would quickly make an appointment. This was really a big leap for him. He was so cheap, he would cut his own hair with a FlowBee hair cutter. It was a hair cutting machine, the air vacuum would suck up the hair and shears inside would cut it, but let’s just say it’s going to look like a five year old cut it. Romeo didn’t care what his hair looked like until he met Juliette.

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Back to Spanish Well’s for the night and now for a 3 mile hike to the store. Rusty was think do you guy’s really walk all the time? Maybe we should get a golf cart? After a few hours of walking and soar feet, we make it back to the boat before dark. Juliette buy’s more food and some fresh bread from the baker.

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Cold front came thru over night, but on the ball in the Harbour was nice and quite.

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