March 26, 2010

Let’s go fishing, Day 5


Get up 6:00 AM listen to the  Chris Parker show, cold front coming, we have a choice to turn back to N. Eleuthera and do some fishing and then head back to N. Eleuthera airport. Then Rusty and Riley can fly from the same airport they flew into. The second choice was to just continue down to Rock Sound Harbour and then cross over to Highborn Cay. Then up to Nassau for a couple of days, before they fly back to Alaska. Rusty said, “Let’s go fishing!! I did not come here to see Nassau”.

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We all decided to do some snorkeling in the area for a few hours, then cruise back through Current Cut and do some trolling around the other side. Juliette and Riley work on there tans.

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Using the sail’s, Romeo goes out as far as Current Rock and then heads toward Royal Island. Tripe A is being patient, but is wanting to get serious about catching her brother a fish.


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Rusty has read at least two books and is still patient. Each time the pole starts singing, he readily jumps up to fight fish at the speed of an professional athlete with vengeance.

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Triple A is feeling they will be out there for days and wants Romeo to drop the sails. She would like him to just do the trolling around the North corner of Meek’s Island, that is where she has had the best luck catching Mutton Snappers.

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Juliette take’s over the the captain seat for awhile to give Romeo a break. Juliette drives the boat close to the point, where she wanted to fish all day, not fifteen minutes later Rusty’s pole start’s singing again. Romeo still has the sail’s up, so he takes over the captain's seat and starts to turn the boat out of the wind to slow the boat down and to make it easier for Rusty to fight the fish.

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Very hard to fight a fish in a sailboat, the fish is going one way and the boat sailing away the other way. Romeo turns the boat out of the wind to slow the boat down, now Rusty has no tension on the line and he feels he has lost the fish. Each time a fish is on, it is a enthusiastic frenzy to get the fish in the boat. There are predators that will take the fish, we must get the fish in quickly.Rusty & Riley 345

Juliette yells “Keep reeling”. Rusty keeps reeling and there on the end of his line is a nice fat Mutton Snapper. We will all reap the benefits of a Snapper of this size, which could feed as many as twelve people nice sized portions. Romeo gaff’s the fish and we are all excited for Rusty.

We get the fish on the boat, then quickly put our lines back in the water and we get can get serious about fishing again. Juliette and Riley take pictures to capture the monument.

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  Rusty’s pole goes down again and once again starts to singing. Romeo kills the engines, Rusty is holding on to the pole. Rusty yell’s “I can’t stop the fish, he is taking all the line” Romeo turns the boat out of the wind and then grabs the other pole to reel it in, he doesn’t want the lines to get tangled. The tension  Rusty’s the line stops again, Juliette says “Keep reeling,” but this time Rusty is right the fish was gone and had taken all our gear. We knew it was a much bigger fish, from the amount of line that it was taking. It was time to switch to metal leader line, we have been losing our best lures.

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At that point is was time for a late lunch, we had a  barbeque by the beach on the boat. It was fantastic for Rusty to have landed a large Mutton Snapper, it was time to celebrate with a ice cold beer!!!

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Life is a beach!!!

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Sun shine, sunsets, clam water and delicious  fish for dinner a sailor’s dream, it’s all good!!

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Fish for dinner again and the Riley helps out in the galley, she is also a keep!

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