March 23, 2010

Wake up we need your help!!!! Day two


Romeo and Juliette get up early and listen to the Chris Parker weather show. Winds are going to blow 15 to 20 knots. It will only take one hour to move to the docks at Romora Bay Club and Marina, so they better move before the wind starts up. But they had to wait until 8:00 AM, when the marina opens. Romeo pulls anchorage and motors over to the other side to Harbour Island, Rusty and Riley Roo are still sleeping. Romeo is motoring into the dock and the wind kicks up, blowing North West. Romeo is going straight in, no problem been here before. All of the sudden the wind blows harder and Romeo has no control of the boat. Juliette throws the deck hand a line to front of the dock and he is trying to hang on. Suddenly the boat does a 180 and is faced sideways  to the front of the dock and the boat is slamming on the dock and the front of the two pontoons are under the dock. Juliette is trying to keep the boat pushed off the dock, but she is not strong enough to hold it off and could easily break an arm trying to hold it off, with the strong force of the wind and the weight of the boat slamming into the dock she try with all her might, not to let the boat get damage. Romeo is on the engines trying to keep the boat off the docks. Juliette is yelling telling him to back off of the dock. Finally a guy from another yacht runs over and Juliette throws him a line. He starts pulling with Romeo on the other side trying to get the boat off the dock. Juliette feels she can run down in the cabin and try to get Rusty and Riley to help she is screaming pounding on there cabin doors “HELP, HELP, WE NEED YOUR HELP !!!!! PLEASE COME HELP US”. Rusty comes out and has know idea what to do, but one thing is for sure he is wide awake. Juliette gives him a line and is waiting for someone on the dock to get there hands free, so he can throw it to them. Riley comes out not knowing what the hell is going on and has no clue of the danger that the boat was in. Riley is now wide awake also. She is now in charge of the oven cooking going on inside. Juliette gets out the  fenders and starts to tie them on the dock side of the boat Rusty helps her. The wind is so strong it takes four guys to pull it into the dock to tie it off safely. An hour later the boat is secured to the dock.

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Welcome to paradise and good morning, so far that was the scariest moments on the boat in the last 5 months of cursing, so really we felt pretty good about it after it was all over, but what a rush of panic! We were all relieved it was over, what next!!!

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Juliette make breakfast of every one corn beef hash eggs and buicuts.

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Romeo wants to go shower but Juliette doesn’t want to waste the day and startes taking the Clark Pump off, so they can put the replacement that Rusty delivered when came the day before. It when in easy and was working great, no problems.

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We all take a long hot shower at the bath house on the dock it felt fabulous to have a long shower. Romeo and Rusty rented a golf  cart for a day for $60.00 to tour the Island, first stop Romeo and Rusty load up the cart with beer and take it back to the boat all the time looking for Juliette and Riley.

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The girls started walking early when the guys were renting the cart. Juliette wanted to get some walking in and they thought that they would get picked up along way on the road. No ride, so they did some power shopping and bought some “legit” gifts for there friend and family and a swim suit for Riley Roo. They had a lot of fun at the store named DILLY DALLY and that what they did, all the while Romeo and Rusty are driving all over looking for them.


Juliette’s next stop the Piggy Wiggly for fresh produce and some local lobster.


Riley waits inside the busy little store, and Juliette was the look out for the guys outside, 10 minute later the guys show up, Romeo pays the bill and the guys go back to the boat to unload the food. Juliette and Riley go back to the DILLY DALLY to pay for the treasures. Now off to the beach to see what this Island is all about. Romeo loads up his back pack with beers and a Arizona tea for Riley Roo.

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After a couple of beers on the beach we drive back to the Romora Bay Club and Marina to try the conch and french fries

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and the party was on an old Bohemian man started play old song and Juliette decide she would stay and listen to the old man play.

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Riley had a lot of fun because they don’t card and the drinking age is 18 years she not quit there yet, but she looks old enought so her dad said what the hell have a good time and we did do just that.

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