March 23, 2010

Welcome to Paradise!!! Day one, they’re here!!!!



  The past few days Romeo and Juliette spent taking walks on the beach and also a walk to the glass window it was a 3 mile walk from the bottom Harbour anchorage. It is always nice to get off the boat. The rest of the time is spent cleaning and making room for the family guest to arrive today.

   We decided to walk to the airport to pick up Rusty and Riley Roo, it’s about two miles from the  boat anchorage by the dump, so we leave at 11:00 AM to pick them up. We were planning  to pick them up in Nassau, Bahamas, but after Juliette talked with her brother Rusty she knew that they would enjoy Elethura and and Harbour Island. Two days earlier they had walked to the airport and purchase the tickets for Rusty and Riley Roo. The flight from Nassau would be 15 minutes to get to N. Eleuthera a lot better than two days sailing and the price for the air travel on Pineapple Air was $180.00 one way, for the two of them. But the main thing was the limited time Riley Roo had for spring break from South Anchorage High School in Anchorage. They would only have eight days to play on the Islands and enjoy boat living with us, on GetLost.

    Romeo lowered the dingy while Juliette got ready for the walk to the airport, they were both very excited to have guest coming to join them, on there sailing adventure of a life time. Juliette had the week planned out, depending on the weather they would try to do it all in the short 8 days.


Airport pickup,

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ice cold beer for Rusty after traveling for 20 hours.

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“Mr.Cash” (Romeo) wait’s  for Maddy to find a rental car. After about 45 minutes and a couple of beers, Romeo shows up with a car the price $70.00 cash,

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he didn’t  have to sign anything. A man just handed him the keys and a business card. Romeo drive’s and has to adjust to driving on the left side of the road, lucky there is a sign at eye level that says “stay left” it really helps remind him to “stay left”,  he had not drove a car for 5 months and it feels strange to drive a car and on the wrong side of the road, adds to it.

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Rusty also feels like putting on the breaks and wonders were his steering wheel, when Romeo is driving.

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We all get in the car and head to the Bluffs to go to the food store.  No gas in the car, Romeo, is to bring the car back with the same amount of gas, so he stop at the at Texaco Gas station asked the attendant $10.00 worth, two gallons of gas takes a minute. Juliette sits in the back seat with Riley and thinks back when she was Riley's age, driving around with her friend and gas was under dollar a gallon. Rusty and Riley Roo  get some drinks and snack for the boat. An hour later Triple A has filled the cart with food and hopefully it will all fit in the car. After that they head to the Bluffs, a small town they had walk to the week before. Juliette and Riley Roo picked up same conch shells off a small beach.

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We all get back in the car and drive to the boat to drop off the luggage and food.

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It takes Romeo three trips in the dingy to get all of us to the boat.

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Romeo and Rusty went back to the airport to drop off the car and pick up the lost crate with the Clark Pump for the water maker, the lost luggage is very important. Rusty buy’s a man named Maddy a couple of beer’s. Maddy is the man that helped Romeo find a rental car earlier in the day. The crate is there, they go into the airport to get the lost luggage. Rusty notice the sign hanging on the wall and feels he has just had a déjà-vie the man he was just having a beer with has his picture is hanging on the wall drinking the same beer.

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The crate is there and the guy that rented us the car drove them back to the boat anchored by the dump, for another $10.00 for two miles. So the total for five hours  to rent a car in N. Eleuthera to drive about ten miles $95.00 with a tip. Ice cold beers for every one, Juliette cook’s steak  dinner and we all crash out early to get a good night sleep. Riley Roo stays up and talks to her friends on the computer.

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