April 5, 2010

Getting ready to go!


Just waiting for answers from the company that make the invert to e-mail back the last few days. Had to wait out a cold front so we can get out of the Harbour. And cleaning the inside of the boat and doing a lot of laundry. Tomorrow is the day of good weather to cross the Devil’s Backbone we are out of here!!!!



Get up get ready to pull anchor after coffee and breakfast. We start crossing the Devil’s Backbone  around 10:00 AM so we have good light to see going thru. As we are about half way through there is a large group of sail boat traveling together their are five total.



Our next stop was Spanish Wells to top off our fuel.

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 003 

They were at lunch so we had to wait an hour unit they come back to pump the diesel.

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 005

  Finally have our fuel now to get to Current Cut for the night.

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 012

I just want watch TV!

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 006

Look! I made you some fresh bread!

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 015

We anchored on the inside of Current Cut with two other sailboats, it felt great getting out sailing again. CHEERS!

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