April 5, 2010

Perfect conditions!


Pulled anchor a sunrise, Romeo wants to get a full day of sailing in and go as far as we can.

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 025

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 023

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 026

We go 50 mile and anchor at Hawksbill Cay Island, by moorings in the Exsuma Land and Sea Park.

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 031

This boat looked so dirty, it looked like it drove the Alcan, Alaska Highway

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 043

Compared to the sailboat next to it.

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 028

Romeo was very disappointed with to performance of the boat even with both engines we were only getting six knots with the sail. After he anchored he went to work scrubbing the slim off the bottom of the boat.

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 030

He worked on it for two hours got one pontoon almost done and was to cold to finish that night.

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 036

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 037

Romeo was very cold after two hours cleaning the boat. It was 90 degrees and he a warmed up fast after getting out of the water.

Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 038 It was gorgeous, Juliette just laid in the sun with a ice cold beer!


Hawksbill Key, Bahamas 04-2010 040  


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