April 5, 2010

Glass farm! Day 10


Rusty and Riley are packing and are ready to go back to Alaska the 10 days in the Bahamas, has sadly come to an end.

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We all go to the airport and unfortunately Romeo and Juliette would like to pick up more beer, wine and supplies from the food store, while they still have the car for another few hours. It’s was a quick hug and we were off on there mission to find more beer and food shopping that would hold us over for the next three months. Having a car was not something we would do again in the near for seen further. As we pulled away from the airport Rusty and Riley Roo are on the curb getting ready to check in with Pineapple Air.

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The best part of our vacation was hanging out with Riley for days,

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and enjoyed it!

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Took pictures of hot chic’s with matching outfits!

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Had a beers on the beach!

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Partied with wild girls in there twinsuits!

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Partied with teenagers and there parents!

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Sang with a Bahamian!

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Eat conch for the first time and lived to talk about!

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Walked on the beach!

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Had fun with Riley!

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Sang,  I’m on a boat!

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Crossed the Devil’s Backbone in high seas!

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Went to the glass window with hot chic’s!

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Relaxed with my draught and read three books!

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Got my picture taken with  Mutton Snapper a lot!

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Had a birthday party for my sister!

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Caught up on some business with family!

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Drank too many beers!

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Went snoring!

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Almost crashed on a dock at 8:00 am!

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Chilled on a home made hammock!

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Fished like a pro!

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Caught a Mutton Snapper!

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Looked for shells on the beach!

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Found shells on the beach!

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Caught another Mutton Snapper!

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Sister gave hair cuts on the beach!

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Lived on a catamaran!

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Double hook up,Holy Mackerel!

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Surprised by the catch of a needle fish!

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Walked 3 miles to the airport!

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Got my picture taken with an ambassador!

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Went to a cave!

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Went to a pig roast with no pig!

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Rented a car and drove most the Island in one day!

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Travel back and forth in a dingy!

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Went to the glass window again!

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Found a coconut and a friend!


As Romeo drove away it felt as if our vacation was also over. Now we would go back in to our daily routine.

Romeo drove past the road to the Bluff’s and picked up a Bahamian man standing by the road side. As we drove he told them his life story and told us was going to Spanish Well’s to look for work running heavy equipment. We went to the end of the road were there is a dock and a liquor store. Romeo bought all the Coors Light they had at the store. Next stop the food store at the Bluffs. Juliette was in and out pretty fast this time we were stilling fully stocked, she just needed more basics.

Juliette dropped Romeo by the dump close to the dingy and Juliette drove the car to a abandon house on the beach. The house was boarded up and we had never seen any one around, it was a good spot to transport the beer and food. It was not that good the tide was going out and there was a lot of glass and rocks to walk on and Romeo did not have water shoe so it took awhile to get unloaded. The beer took up all the room in the dingy, so he did two trips. The second trip we were able to get the rest in and made room for Juliette, so she could help unpack all the supplies. After every thing is put away Romeo dingy’s Juliette back to the beach and she drove the rental car back to pick him up. Now it was time to get the car back to the airport and dropped it off. We can’t find the guy that owns the car. We just give the keys to Mattie. We leave the airport for the three mile walk back to the dingy.

Juliette takes more pictures of flowers along the way.

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We reach the turn off and decide to go down the dirt road by the water taxi parking area. The road leads to a few houses and then to an open spot were we cut in to do some beach combing. It is rocky and there was no beach, but we continued on. It was to early to be stuck on the boat the rest of the day.

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R & R Bahamas 308  Juliette found a beautiful live conch not big enough to keep, she put it back in the water to grow some more.

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Just climbing around the rock making our way down the coast Juliette starts picking up pieces of sea glass. Sea glass is broken glass that has been smoothed off by the rocks and sand. She was very excited with her find and she asked Romeo “do you think it is some ones glass farm.”

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She and Riley had see jewelry, candle and other items made of the sea glass at the Dilly Dally.


Juliette was digging around in the sand and picking up the glass. Romeo went and found her a plastic container to put the broken glass in. Romeo under stands Juliette need to stay busy, but has no idea why she would want all the glass. Romeo helps her with her treasure hunt anyway. Once again she acting like a pack rate like her mother. Juliette has Triple A personality, creative and likes to have a project like her mother. She needs to keep busy and thinking creative.

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Treasures of the day!

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