April 5, 2010

Is that boat going to hit our boat?



Wake up to waves hitting the side of the boat and we are rocking back and forth. Listen to the Weather Show the cold front is here and the wind and waves are going to becoming right at us 35 knot winds from the west and north west. There are not many areas for protection, we needed to get an early start. Romeo studies the charts and with the wind, waves and bad light, it does not look like we have any choose.We must stay in the Harbour at Cave Cay it is totally protected. Romeo calls them on the radio at 8:00 am and thank goodness they have a spot for us. The Marina is about a mile away, so we head right over before the wind gets worse.

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The price is $2.00 per foot and we are 38 feet $76.00 and the power hookup is on a flat rate $20.00 for 30amps or $40.00 for 50 amps not cheap! remember when we paid for what we used on Harbour Island $9.00 for two days. That’s how the stick it to you tell you the meters not working so we will have to charge you a flat rate, rip off! Total price $116.00 for one night, but at least there internet is working so we can catch up.

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Couple hours later after tying the boat down with six ropes, Romeo feel good about staying on the dock for the night and staying safe.

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This sail boat and its owner and crew just finished circumnavigating the world. Romeo and Ron the owner became fast friend and Ron tried to help Romeo with his SSB radio and get E-mails over it. They were unable to get it going, but Romeo has a better understanding on how it works and will get it going later.

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Juliette was in the boat on the internet getting some work done. And this Yacht starts the approach to enter the Marina. The caption of the boat is backing in, stern side towards the dock. Romeo and the dock master go over to help grab the ropes. The wind has picked up to 25 to 30 knots and it is not going to be an easy job getting there boat on the dock. The Capitan is a lady and as she is coming in she cuts it to far and the wind catches the boat and it is headed right for our boat. Juliette jumps up to see if she can help to push off. There Yacht is at least 50 feet long and coming right for us. Romeo and the dock master try to hold on but it is no use she will have to power down and try again. The boat has two engines and she give it almost full power on the portside to get the boat out of the dock slip. Romeo and the dock master through the ropes back and tell them to try again. Next time she backs in and powers down both engines and cuts it in tighter to the dock and nails it perfect. Juliette was very  impressed with the lady Capitan and her abilities to get her boat under control in the high winds. Romeo and 3 other guy work to help get the boat tied off and secured to the dock.

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Juliette told them how impressed she was with the parking of the yacht in condition and they soon invited her over for a glass of wine. Turns out that she is a professional Capitan, Amy and her friend Debby work together running a bigger 70 foot Yacht full time named Jackpot.club cay conch 032

Amy and he brother John own their Yacht. They were on a five week vacation together and having a great time and on there way back to Savannah Georgia.

We meet so many nice people every were we go. They are always ready to teach us something and help with any problems or issues we might have with the boat and help us solve them if they can.

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See you guys in Savannah some day! CHEERS!

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