April 5, 2010

Swimming Pig?


This is one of the places that is a must stop in the Bahamas. The island is called Big Majors Spot. It is famous for swimming pigs that come and greet people in there dingy looking for food.

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We dingy towards the beach and the pigs swim up to us and all of the sudden one of them try’s to jump in the dingy with us. Romeo is pushing the pig off and the pig jumps on again and a again! He was concerted that the hoofs would punchers the dingy.

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The first pig to the dingy gets the first bit. But once on the beach the big male takes over all the eating of scraps that people bring to them.

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The two female hurry and swim to each dingy as people approach the island.

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Hurry feed me before the big guy comes down here!

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The pigs were brought to the the Island years ago as a joke. The pigs have managed to do just fine off the boaters, tourist and locals feeding them.

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pigs on beach 015 I did not want to get stepped on!

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Run Juliette get in the dingy before the pigs try to jump in again, lets go!!!

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Juliette saw four piglet’s on top off the hill.

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Can’t stay long another cold front coming and Romeo wants to go 25 miles to get close to the cut to go to George Town. When we have a good  weather window we will to go outside on the eastern shore in the big water of the Exuma Sound, we will head south. Another cold front coming we will have to wait for an opening to travel.

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Hurry get my fighting belt it’s a big one!

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We pound in to southern waves and wind again all day. Romeo had 28 knot winds at times. We left Big Major Spot around 11:00am. Romeo was not happy with the late start going into areas he had never been. He tried to anchor by Musha Cay in front of the beach, but it has a strong current.

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Private Island! Nice yacht!

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Romeo turned around and went back, then anchored outside on the west side of Cave Cay with two other sail boats. He anchored by a small beach for the night.

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Home made chocolate cookies again! You are going to ruin your dinner!

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What’s for dinner? Fried chicken!

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