May 5, 2010

Conch again!



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Departed the Marina at Cave Cay and Romeo decide to go north for one day and then travel to Georgetown the following day.

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The waves and wind will be going the right direction for smother  and faster travel.

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Romeo anchors the boat by a nice beach by Big Farmers Cay. 

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Romeo relaxes and watches Juliette look for conch (big snails) after there walk on the beach.

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Juliette has finally found a live one that is a keeper.


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This is a nice one!


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Juliette spends a long time cleaning the outside of the shell with sand.


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Romeo ups the dingy back on the davits almost every night.

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Juliette plans to make lights out of the conch shells and feels this will be a nice one.

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See the digger, it look’s like a finger nail. This is how they move around, the water also helps, the shells are very heavy for them to drag around, but its their home.

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Can we just let it go?

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Alright I guess I will clean the damn thing.

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Are you sure you will eat this?

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Juliette prepares the conch for cooking. Romeo takes it out side to crack it and smashes it into a paste and realizes that he has over done it. Juliette puts the pastes in orange juice to marinate.

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Just sitting down for dinner we think we smell smoke!

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Romeo opens the cover to the engine on the port side and discovers the location of the smoke.

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The bilge pump on the port side engine is smoking and it is toast it will have to be replaced. Never a dull moment.

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