May 5, 2010

Georgetown Bahamas or bust!



Departed Big Farmers Cay at 7:30 am, high tide at 9:30 am. We will go thru the cut at Big Galloot Cut, then out to the Exuma Sound to the deep water where we can do some fishing, trolling on way to Georgetown. The conditions are great, once again Romeo has made a good decision for the departure day. The waves are 2 to 4 foot, we are traveling with the waves, so the ride is smooth. Wind is blowing North and North East 10 to 15 knots and we are going a steadied 6.5 to 7.00 knots. It is 35 miles to Georgetown, we should be anchor down by 3:00 pm. Around 12:00 pm we hear one of the poles start singing. The boat is moving fast and the fish is moving faster and it’s taking all the line fast. Juliette pick’s up the pole and tries to reel, no luck, the line is just zipping off the rod. Romeo shuts off the engine but we still have the sails up and we are still moving away from the fish. Then, wham the other pole starts to sing and is taking line. Romeo runs to the starboard side and grabs the the other pole and starts reeling, double hook up, we are both fighting fish. There is no slowing the boat down and no time for Romeo to turn the boat out of the wind. Juliette has her fighting belt on and is struggling to hold onto the pole. The fish is still just zipping the line off the reel, Romeo suggest for her to make the drag tighter, so she tightens it just a little and no luck fish still taking all the line and still not able to reel, so she tighten it more and she is pulling up and trying to pump the rod to gain anything she can on the fish and then just as fast as it all started the line is slack and the fish is gone. Juliette is disappointed she had lost a big fish, another broken line with her favorite blue lure gone. Romeo is still reeling in the other rod and tells Juliette to finish pulling in the fish he has on so he can drive the boat. She gets the fish to the boat and it is an small Blue Fin Tuna, Romeo loves Tuna and is very happy with the catch, even if it was a small one it will make a couple of nice dinners. We start sailing again and put on our last blue lure and start fishing again. Then wham the rod starts to sing and zipping off the line, Juliette runs to the rod and starts reeling and the boat is moving away from the fish. Romeo shuts down the engine again and turns the boat out of the wind the the line is still singing another big fish. Juliette is just holding on  to the rod and can’t do anything to stop the fish it once again is taking all the line. Then one hard pull and the line is slack again,  the fish and the last blue lure is also gone.

tuna ,george town 005

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This the cutest fish I’ve ever seen.

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Sorry we are still going to eat you for dinner.

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Romeo cuts the Tuna into filets and tosses the Tuna carcass in the water, after he cleans it.

tuna ,george town 020 We soon notice we have a visitor for dinner.

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Romeo puts on his snorkel so he can see who has jointed us.

tuna ,george town 022Is it a Manta Ray or a Shark? 

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I think it’s a shark!

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tuna ,george town 031Yes it is a Nurse Shark looking for a free meal!

tuna ,george town 032  He was very friendly and not afraid of Romeo at all. I’m not going swimming tonight!

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This Elizabeth Harbour looks like a boat show the city of boats there must be two hundred in the area.

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