May 6, 2010

Time to investigate the Island!


Pull up anchor try to find a better spot, boat rocking and rolling, a little current and no internet connection on the north end of the Harbour. Romeo and Juliette cruise around the area looking for a spot, every were you look is a boat trying to get close to Hamburger Beach. It takes Romeo a couple of tries dropping anchor and pulling back up. We are always to close to another boat, but in the end Romeo is happy with his anchorage and we now will go on a long walk. At our location we will not have internet, but at least the anchor is down and we can get off the boat.

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This is a small park area by the beach, it also had a fire pit and benches.

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Climb the 100 foot  hill top to reach the 25 foot high stone beacon monument at Stocking Island, above Hamburger Beach.

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Beautiful panoramic view of Elizabeth Harbour. We met a couple, a was man laying on the bench with his foot propped up and his wife holding her hand on his foot putting pressure on a wound on his ankle.

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They took us to the Chat and Chill at the beach.

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This guy made a great Bloody Mary, they were to good!

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This is Charlie we met at the beacon at the top of Hamburger Beach on our walk. He had hung his camera from a branch to take a picture on auto set. Then he went to get it off the branch after the picture and he punctured a stick thought his ankle. He and his wife had been at the bench at the top of the hill for a hour, putting pusher on the wounded trying to get it to stop bleeding. They asked us if we had a Band-Aid in our back pack, Juliette looked and no luck no Band-Aids. We offered to go back to our boat to get some and he said, “ No thats OK!”  Juliette looked in the back pack again and offer him a tampon, a moment later he was on his feet and his foot had stop bleeding. The thought of wearing a tampon around his ankle strapped to his sandal did it. It was as if his brain sent a message to his foot to stop bleeding right now. We all laughed and started talking and they invited us to Volley Ball Beach for lunch.

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This is how the injury looked after the tampon was offer to him.

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There names are Charlie and Kirsten, they live in Miami FL, he work’s for the police department and she is a Marine Biologist and work’s with kids. They were flying a back to Miami the next day. We all had a great time the rest for the day on the beach.

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Now it’s time for a conch salad.

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Johnny work’s making salads fresh for $10.00 each, in a small  8oz bowl. So many being made we had to wait a few hours for all the salads, we kept ordering.

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Johnny worked fast, but he is a one man show.

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Lots of kids on the beach and full time live aboard families hang out at Volley Ball Beach.

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Is it going to bite?

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We had the Manta Rays eating conch out of our hands, they suck it out off your hand like a vacuum.

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Juliette waited around for hours to get three shells from Johnny and some fresh conch to cook later. He gave Juliette a new name, “ Alaska”

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Johnny makes conch salads 12 hours a day 7 days a week. He use onions, tomatoes, conch, hot peppers, fresh oranges, lime and lemon juice.

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They had a big pile of couch shell on the beach for Juliette to pick thru, they just through them out.

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Are they really going to eat that?

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Eat this it is Bohemian Viagra!


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You don’t want to know what part of the conch this is!

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The $hit this guy can get people to eat, keep laughing Johnny! Don’t worry I didn’t really eat it!

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After Romeo ate his conch salad, he is ready to go back on the long walk back to the boat.


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Juliette arrivals back to the top hill at the beacon and needs to take a break after climbing the hill carrying her treasure.

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One to many Bloody Mary’s.

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Romeo got to the top of the monument  and remembers the day.

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I think, I can make it the rest of the way it has been a long day.

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Tuna for dinner.

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