January 15, 2010

Day 3 Normans Pond

1/11/2010  Rough night wind picked up to 28 knots and it is loud with a lot of howling.

Wardrick Wells to normans pond 036

Get up it is so cold it had to be in the the 50’s the night before. Romeo finally got the heater out and heated up the cabin, it felt so much better a lot of wind comes thru the door, so when its wind it gets cold. Today another long walk on Normans Cay. They met the cook from Normans Cay beach club and they kept bouncing into him everywhere they walked, so pretty soon they all talk, his name is JP he is from Lima Peru. It was the first time in 5 months he had been out of the Club and for a bike ride, so they all had pictures taken with the bike.

Normans Pond 007 

Normans Pond 009

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His name is John Paul, people call him JP. Juliette and her  brother have a good friend in Las Vegas from Alaska named JP, so it was easy to remember. The wind was blowing out on the water, but it was warmer walking the Island and a very nice day.

Normans Pond 016

Normans Pond 015 

Triple A found a noodle on the beach and she knew if Julia, Aspen or Caden had been there they would have been very disappointed with her if she didn’t bring the floating device back to the boat, for safe keeping and to play with on the way .

Normans Pond 014

Romeo found a nice walking sick.

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Normans Pond 004

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