January 15, 2010

Heading to Highbour Cay

1/12/2010 Weather window open to move out of the Pond all the boats are picking up  thier anchor’s and moving towards the cut to get out, all at once 5 or 6 boats moving out.

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Romeo pulls up also wanting  to get out as close to high tide like everyone else.

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A sail boat is parked in the middle of the cut so it makes it more difficult to get out, a cruising couple in a sail boat named STAR SHOT miss judges the water depth and is stuck at the entrance a man and women in a dingy are trying to help them with no luck.

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Romeo pulls up next to them and ask if they needed more help they were thankful and gave us a rope to help pull them off the sand bar.

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After several tries no luck they are stuck. Another couple shows up to help. One dingy at the back of the sailboat pushing and the other ties on the the Mass rope and starts pulling sideways to take the weight off the Keel under the boat where it is stuck, Romeo pulls with his boat with both engines  and Juliette mans the rope so it does not get in the propellers all the sudden just as they start to pull hard the rope snaps, the dingy was pulling breaks so the fix it and try again, Juliette hold the rope and moves back into the cockpit for safely and the rope come flying off the sailboat a into our boat with great force very scary big ropes flying thru the air like a big rubble band.

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Then a friend of there’s comes up for the pond in a bigger Adimeratly 40 and hooks on and pulls the mass rope and pulls Star Shot the sailboat way over on it’s side off the keel and the boat is free from the sand prison.

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They all worked together to get the sailboat out and thanked us on the radio as we moved out of their way and out of the pond. Heading out to do some fishing on the way to Highbour Cay.

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Are they trying to tell us something??? About the bus, what no buses to the beach on Highbour Cay Island. Guess they will have to walk again.

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They will stay one or two nights before they cross back over to Nassau to drop off Triple A. She is going back to the USA to work and do the 2009 Taxes.

Romeo and Juliette went on a long walk on the beach on Highbour Cay on the Eastern shores it was a beautiful beach the had all to them selves most of the walk.

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Got back to the boat just before sunset and all the sudden the radio announces a Tsunami Warning the first in the Bahamas in over two hundred years. Haiti had a 7.3 earthquake and a hospital had clasped. Romeo prepares the boat in case they have to run out into the open ocean on the Exuma Sound. They were happy they had move out of the pond and were in a good spot if have to evacuate the area.

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A sailboat called THE OFFICE had came in earlier and was parked pretty close. Romeo was nervous all night and stayed up worrying about the days events.

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