January 18, 2010

Paradise Island , Bahamas the tour of Atlantis.


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Arrived in Nassau, Bahamas and started working on getting connected to the internet right away. Lots of signals, but Triple A picked the wrong one and the connection was terrible and very frustrating trying to catch up with the outside world.

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Romeo worked on a better connection and was able to get a refund on the first service that they signed up for 30 days for $99.00 and only paid $5.00 for one night. The next day he signed up for 5 days for $45.00 much better, John Doe was a computer hog. It was OK because she is heading out on 1/18 to and would have unlimited internet there. And he will be on his own for 2 weeks. Triple A will go to Las Vegas to do hair and CA to do the 2009 Taxes.

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1/15/2010  Romeo and Juliette went on a nice long walk and tour the Cable Beach area were they are anchored, they would need to find a way to get Juliette to the Airport on the 18th and map out the timing were and when and how to get from the dingy to the taxi and then to the Airport to catch her plane.

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Romeo has be working out and his muscle are getting hard as a rock, he is really looking good and is feeling good about his new body.

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They made it back just in time for a nice sunset.

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They decides to come a few days early and be Nassau tourist.

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We anchored out there about six weeks ago. A little to crowded for us. And smells of sewage!!

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nassau bahamas 036This boat takes freight to the other islands in the Bahamas 

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Amazing fish tank at atlantis.

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Stingrays in the outside part of the aquarium


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Nice blow glass sculpture in the lobby.

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Atlantis Hotel’s backyard. They wanted a couple of bucks for us to go explore, so we just looked from afar.

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She is always digging around in my backpack.

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That's my sugar boy thinking of ice cream, but was more than he was willing to pay. So he denied himself the sugary delight. They wanted too much and I couldn’t get a hold of my banker for a loan.

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Ice cold beer tasting good after the  3 mile walk. This was a nice bar/restaurant on the waterfront, “the Green Parrot”

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Taking the number 10 bus back to the dingy $1.25 each. Bus drivers don’t give change, but at that price We found the first bargain in the Pricey Bahamas!!

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